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Andrew the second King of Hungary, was the father of Saint Elisabeth, who was born in 1207, married at the age of 14 to Louis the fourth Landgrave of Thuringia, became a widow in 1227, died in 1231, and was declared a saint in 1235.

Her extreme piety inducing her to relieve the poor, she was not satisfied with distributing alms only, but chose to assist them personally. Having founded a hospital in which were 28 beds, amongst the sick who were attended to, was a destitute child, in such a state of languor, and whose head was covered with scurf to such a degree, that it was horrible to behold; she washed, and drest its wounds with such great assiduity, that she performed its cure, which was attributed rather to her faith, than to her care and attention.

Such is the subject represented by Murillo, in a magnificent picture, which formerly decorated one of the chapels of the convent of Charity at Seville. It was brought to Paris, and presented to the Emperor Napoleon by marechal Soult; King Louis the eighteenth sold it to the King of Spain; instead however, of its being restored to its ancient place, it at has been put in the Ferdinand's Academy meeting room at Madrid, which has greatly displeased the fraternity of Seville, who first of all victims of the chance of war, now witness their spoils enriching a monument that does not belong to them. This picture forms one of the most magnificent works of Murillo, and has been engraved on stoneby Florentin de Craene.

Height 12 feet 3 inches; breath 9

feet 4 inches.



La ville de La Rochelle a donné naissance à plusieurs personnages célèbres, parmi lesquels on remarque le médecin Venette, auteur du Tableau de l'amour conjugal; Tallemant, traducteur de Plutarque; le naturaliste Réaumur, le poëte Desforges, et Dupaty, auteur des Lettres sur l'Italie.

Ce grand et magnifique tableau fait partie de la collection des ports de France, peints pour le Roi, par le célèbre Joseph Vernet; il se voit maintenant dans la galerie du Louvre.

A droite on voit les quais de La Rochelle, avec les vaisseaux qui les bordent, pour débarquer leur marchandise. Dans le fond, vers la gauche, on aperçoit deux forteresses, qui indiquent l'entrée du port. Sur le devant du tableau est un chantier de la marine, dans lequel le peintre a placé différens groupes de promeneurs, pour animer la scène.

Ce tableau fut peint en 1762, la ville et le port ont éprouvé quelques changemens depuis cette époque. Larg., 8 pieds; Haut., 5 pieds.

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The city of La Rochelle has given birth to several celebrated personages, amongst whom we remark, the Physician Venette, author of the work entitled « Picture of conjugal love; » also, Tallemant, the translator of Plutarch; the naturalist Reaumur, the poet Desforges, and Dupaty, author of Letters on Italy. »

This large and fine work forms part of the collection of the sea-ports of France, painted for the King, by the celebrated Joseph Vernet, and is now placed in the Gallery of the Louvre.

On the right is seen the quay sof La Rochelle, with the ships at their sides, unloading their merchandizes. On the background towards the left, aro two fortresses which shew the entrance of the port. In front of the picture is a marine timber yard, where the artist has introduced groups of persons walking, to animate the scene.

This painting was executed in 1762, the city and port have undergone somes changes, since that period.

Breath 8 feet 5 inches; height 5 feet 3 inches.

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