
of science and discovery, and, as an educator, comes within the reach of the few who are already learned. So changed is it from its original scope and design, that it may be doubtful whether Count Rumford revived would recognize it.

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The Rensselaer School, so rude and simple in its beginnings, is likewise so changed from its original scope and design that, probably, neither the founder nor Professor Eaton would be able to recognize it were they present at its first semi-centennial celebration. Thus it is, in the field of scientific labor, the problems which we propose to solve expand beyond the forms from which we start, and yield results as fruitful and surprising as the growth of an unknown plant from a seed cast into the ground." With devout thankfulness to the source of all blessings, we ask in humble acknowledgement and trust for the continuance of the same.

The Institute was never so prosperous as on this, the fiftieth year of its existence. Its catalogue shows an attendance at present of more than two hundred students. It is to be considered whether or not it is expedient to take students beyond that number, should they come. Our conveniences and facilities are not adequate to any more. Besides, that number seems to be the point of economy for us. If we overgo that number, it involves an increase of our faculty of instructors, to pay for which the probable small increase of students beyond that number would be insufficient. Again, we cannot always be so prosperous. The financial situation of the country is felt quite sensibly by the patrons of the Institute, and the number of students is increased or diminished by it.

The Institute, thanks to its devoted friends, is out of debt and owns a good property, well adapted to its purposes, and now pays its own way. Besides it has an invested fund of $20,000. When its friends begin to see that it has a principle of permanence in it—that it is not likely to be swept away then they will begin to make gifts and bequests to it. Not, it is hoped, for the endowment of well paid lazy professorships, or for cheapening tuition, or for making it free

-for it tends towards indifferent work, a lack of drill and scholarship—but for the erection of buildings, for additions to the library and the supply of the latest and best apparatus and models; for we hold it to be the duty of the Instistitute to give to all its students the full value of their money in the very best instruction which can be obtained.

For the encouragement of those who may be in doubt about its permanence, we can only state our belief that the Institute will outlive us all. For, it has a good reputation and is popular before the country; has a large alumni of not undistinguished men in their professions and occupations. It is the pioneer school of its kind in this country, and has a system of instruction peculiarly its own, which it has not been in the power of our competitors to equal or successfully imitate. For, it is not hide-bound by any preconceived ideas or traditions, nor does it care the value of the smallest stamp for old theories about the education of young men; it claims to be up to the times, and to be in concert with what is called "The spirit of the age," and to go forward with it. For, it puts every man upon its rolls— not in leading-strings, but upon his good behavior-and inculcates self-government in the individual, having too much to do in science and the enforcement of its course of study to be able to devote much time to elegant manners. Obeying the rules of the Institute and accomplishing its course, the student answers our requirements; beyond that, he is a denizen in our city, under the law like any citizen. For, taking it as a postulate that science is the hand-maid, and not the hater of religion-that theology is the sum of all the sciences-it is so entirely unsectarian, liberal and free to all tongues and creeds, that not only English and German speaking people, but the Latin races and people of Mexico, Cuba and South America, and the Mongolian races of China, India and Japan-Christians, Jews, Turks, infidels and heretics all meet and mingle together and stand upon an equality as men on the rolls of the Institute. For, it is under the care and government of a board of trustees, made up principally of practical and business men of this

present generation; and it proposes to do no more than it can do well, and that in its own quiet way, conducted on business principles, so that when its patronage is cut short betimes, its expenses may be reduced in corresponding ratio. For,, the Institute is so grafted into the hearts of her sons, who feel a pride in it and confer a lustre upon it, that neither things present nor things to come shall be able to turn them from their filial regard and affection for it. For, lastly, the people of this city have repeatedly said in reply to the proposition to remove it: "That they will not part. with it; its struggles and reverses are part of our toils and experiences; its achievements and successes all go to our renown; its blessings are our birthright and we will not sell it."

Therefore, we believe that the Institute will outlive us all, and be in time to come, as at present, a famous school— most beneficent in its influences, and the farthest and most favorably known of all the public institutions of Troy.

In view of this apparent prosperity, not a single effort is to be relaxed to promote and carry forward the Institute. It is, by no means, a complete and finished institution. It needs care and watching continually. It has, as we believe, a grand future before it, and it has a principle of growth and adaptation within it. It stands alone, like some thrifty tree, jubilant in its young strength and vigor, rooted in the soil and taking its sustenance from the land it fertilizes by its annual return of fruit and foliage.

The following gentlemen acted as ushers: Grand Marshal W. L. Fox, Messrs. C. F. Carbonell, E. V. Z. Lane, J. J. Reyes, of the class of '75; A. G. Baker, George O. Knapp, of '76; Benjamin B. Newton, Jr., W. P. Denegre, and Charles P. Griffith, of '77.

The following gentlemen had charge of the boquets and flowers: Messrs. James L. Breese, E. Ray Thompson, of the class of '75; Edward A. Burdett, of '76; C. G: Williams and Walter F. Crosby, of '77.



A special train left the Union Depot at 9 A. M. It was made up of nine cars filled with a party of nearly five hundred ladies and gentlemen, composed of the alumni, faculty, students, and friends of the Institute. The trip was enlivened with music by the Institute Glee Club, while the various events of the week suggested sufficient number of topics for social chat.

Upon arrival at Saratoga, the party proceeded to the Grand Union Hotel, where a large number of rooms, its elegant parlors, spacious ball room, and still more beautiful grounds were thrown open to the guests. The morning was mostly spent in viewing the sights of the village, visiting the various hotels and springs, and drives to the lake and in other directions.

At one o'clock all returned from their wanderings and sat down to an elegant dinner, served in the spacious dining hall of the Grand Union Hotel. After dinner the party assembled in the parlor, listened to brief addresses, and were entertained with music by Lander's orchestra, of New York. Hon. J. H. White, chairman of the committee, presided. Dr. J. G. Ambler, on behalf of the committee, offered a resolution of thanks to the proprietors of the Grand Union, Messrs. Breslin, Purcell & Co., for the sumptuous and elegant manner in which the company had been

received and entertained. Mr. White then said he thought it would be eminently proper for the alumni to thank the citizens of Troy for their abundant kindness and hospitality, and accordingly offered a resolution of thanks to that effect, calling upon Professor E. N. Horsford, of the class of '37, to respond.

Professor Horsford said that Professor Eaton counselled the pupils in his day to remember two things; one was not to talk without they had something to say; and the other was to stop when they had said it. He recalled the days of the Institute when he was a student, and spoke feelingly of some of the old and particular friends of it, Dr. Brinsmade, John Wright and Uri Gilbert; the kindness of the latter to the boys of his class, he said, could never be forgotten by any of them. His reference to Dr. Brinsmade was peculiarly feeling. He also referred to the conclusion of one cycle of the existence of our Institute, and the fitting memorial stone set up to Professor Amos Eaton. He made a comparison of Bernard Palissey, the discoverer of porcelain and the adornment of it with gold, and likened the efforts and devotion of Professor Eaton in behalf of the Institute, to Palissey giving his wife's wedding ring into the crucible in his experiments for the carrying out of his purpose. Eaton gave his heart's blood to the school with which his name would be ever connected. Another fine comparison was made of the bird plucking the down from its own breast to cover its young.

Rev. Mr. Brinsmade made a feeling response to the remarks which had been made complimentary to his brother.

Professor George H. Cook, State Geologist of New Jersey, and Vice-President of Rutger's College, responded to calls, and spoke of Dr. Brinsmade as one of the oldest and firm

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