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The works of the late Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne, Minister of

St. Peter's Church, Dundee. Complete in two volumes. Vol. 1,

containing his Life and Remains, Letters, Lectures, Songs of

Zion, &c.

The Proposed Substitution of Sectarian for Public Schools,

Supplement to the Article above,

Rev. Mr. Bellows on the Moral Government of God,

1. Relation of Christianity to Human Nature.-A Sermon preached

at the ordination of Mr. Frederick Knapp as colleague Pastor of

the First Congregational Church in Brookline, Mass., on Wednes-

day, Oct. 6, 1847.

2. Nature of the Atonement.-A Discourse delivered by appoint-

ment of the Synod of New York and New Jersey, on Wed-

nesday evening, Oct. 20, 1847. By Rev. Thomas H. Skinner,

Pastor of the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, New York.

3. Doctrine of the Atonement.-The Christian Inquirer.

Ireland her Sufferings and their Remedy,

Ireland in 1847: its present state and prospects. By J. Wilson


Thoughts on the Poor-relief Bill for Ireland: together with reflec-

tions on her miseries, their causes, and their remedies. By John,

Earl of Shrewsbury.

Irish Sufferers, and Anti-Irish Philosophers; their pledges and per-

formances. By Eneas MacDonnell, Esq., Barrister-at-law.

Reply to the Speech of the Archbishop of Dublin, against the Poor-

relief (Ireland) Bill. By G. Poulett Scrope, Esq., M. P., &c.

Paddiana: or Scraps and Sketches of Irish life, present and past.

Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger: or an excursion through Ire-

land, in 1844 and 1845, for the purpose of personally investiga-

ting the condition of the poor. By A. Nicholson.

A Lecture on the antecedent causes of the Irish Famine in 1847,

by the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, D. D.

Impressions of Ireland and the Irish.

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P. 6, column 2, line 8 from top, before in, insert as. 1, line 12 from bottom, for stripe read strip. 1, line 28 from top, for manifest, read manifold. 2, line 5 from top, for partitions, read portions. 2, line 3 from top, for a man, read men.



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