
age from the churches they have left; and they never ought to do so while those churches require their support. We congratulate our friends at New Broad-street, that they have not listened to the counsels of fear and discouragement; and we earnestly hope that their work of faith and labour of love will, under the Divine blessing, be crowned with the desired success.


THE Rev. Andrew Reed, D.D., having completed the fortieth year of his pastorate over the church assembling in Wycliffe Chapel, a special service in celebration of the event was held on Thursday last, November 27th, that day being the double anniversary of the Doctor's birth and ordination. In the afternoon of the day, the deacons of the church, headed by Mr. Walker, now in his ninetysecond year, met their pastor, for the purpose of presenting an address, unanimously adopted at a meeting of the members of the church and congregation. The address, which is engrossed on vellum, refers to the prominent points in the Doctor's career, and alludes in most affectionate terms to his faithful labours among his own people, as well as his selfdenying and laborious efforts in the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and other objects of suffering humanity. In a church numbering more than a thousand members, scarcely a representative is left of those who, forty years ago, gave Mr. Reed a unanimous invitation to become their pastor. In addition to the address, the church expressed a wish, that they might secure to themselves some memorial of their minister which might remain amongst them after he had closed his earthly labours; and they presented him with the sum of two hundred guineas for this purpose. In compliance with this request, it is understood that Mr. Foley, R.A., is charged with the execution of a marble bust of Dr. Reed. A numerous company, including many of the neighbouring ministers, with the members of the family, assembled at tea in the vestry, and afterwards a most impressive service was held in the chapel. The devotional exercises were conducted by the Rev. Messrs. Bayley, Price, of Sheerness, Smith and Woodhouse, and the attendance was very large.


THE recognition of the Rev. W. Campbell, M.A., as minister of the Park Chapel, Sydenham, took place on Thursday evening, the 11th December, when the Rev. Dr. Campbell asked the usual questions, and offered the designation prayer; and the Rev. Dr. Morison addressed the pastor and people with great impressiveness, affection, and solemnity. On the preceding evening, the Rev. J. Stoughton,

of Kensington, preached an admirable sermon, founded on 1 Thessalonians ii. 14-20. On the following Sunday, the Rev. J. W. Richardson, of Tottenham-court Road Chapel, and the Rev. J. Kennedy, M.A., of Stepney, preached excellent and appropriate sermons.

Our most fervent prayers will be offered up to the throne of grace on behalf of this interesting cause. The pastor we have long known, and greatly loved;-and cannot but regard him as peculiarly adapted, from personal and educational habit, to the sphere in which he is now called to move. May peace and prosperity attend his steps!


LORD PALMERSTON, at the instance of the Protestant Alliance, has secured, by diplomatic correspondence, the liberation of Dr. Marryot, who had been imprisoned at Carlsruhe, for the circulation of writings against the Jesuits. This is creditable to the zeal of the Alliance, and to the character of the Foreign Secretary. One great object of the Alliance is to watch over the liberties of Protestants in Roman Catholic countries.


THE Western College was founded in the year 1752, under the auspices of the London Congregational Fund Board, with a view to counteract, by means of an evangelically educated ministry, the Arianism which had then so widely diffused itself amongst the churches of the West of England. Under the successive presidency of the Revs. J. Lavington, Jas. Rooker, Thos. Reader, Jas. Small, Dr. George Payne; and now of the Rev. Dr. Alliott, and the Rev. Samuel Newth, M.A., it has, by God's blessing, materially contributed to accomplish its original design,-whilst, at the present time, seven honoured brethren are usefully employed in the foreign service of the Redeemer, and about forty in the ministry of the churches at home, who owe to it their preparatory training. It is the oldest provincial institution of the kind in the kingdom, and bids fair, from the extensive district which it commands, and the position it has happily acquired, to be not the least permanent. In this view it was resolved, at the Annual Meeting of Subscribers, in September last, that the centenary year should not pass away without an effort to create some memorial of gratitude appropriate to the occasion, and which, whilst it met an existing requirement, might help to strengthen the pledge of increasingly effective continuance. The Committee have, therefore, in accordance with this resolution, undertaken, either by purchase or new erection, to obtain for the Institution a local habitation consistent with its character and name, which it may call its own. More definite particulars

will be laid before the public shortly. It is encouraging to find that this scheme is already receiving practical countenance of just the right kind. One minister, whose associations and remembrances intimately identify him with the cause of the Western College, writes, "I dare not be untrue to Alma Mater; put down my pledge for £50." Another, in like circumstances, guarantees the same amount. May not the expectation be reasonably indulged that many will imitate their example? All the alumni have not, of course, equal resources at their disposal; but all may do much which fellow-feeling dictates-either by personal gifts, or relative influence-and these, abetted by the efforts of Christians generally, and especially by those of the friends of evangelical truth in the Western Districts, will doubtless secure the intended result. The Committee are anxious to receive communications on this subject, both of suggestion and support, which they invite to be addressed to the Treasurer, David Derry, Esq.; or to either of the Secretaries, the Rev. T. C. Hine, and Alfred Rooker, Esq.



ON Thursday, the 20th of November, 1851, Mr. George D. Mac Gregor, formerly student in the University of St. Andrew's, and in the Glasgow Theological Academy, was set apart to the pastoral office over the Congregational church in Portobello, near Edinburgh. The service commenced at eleven o'clock, A.M. The Rev. Robert Lang, of Dundee, the former pastor of the church, read the Scriptures, and prayed. The introductory discourse, from Acts ii. 47, was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Wardlaw, of Glasgow. The Rev. Henry Wight, of Edinburgh, put the usual questions, and received the confession of faith; the ordination-prayer was offered up by the Rev. Wm. Lothian, of St. Andrew's, under whom Mr. Mac Gregor commenced his theological course. The charge was delivered by the Rev. J. R. Campbell of Edinburgh, Mr. Mac Gregor's former pastor, from 1 Cor. iii. 10;

and the Rev. Dr. Alexander, of Argyle-square Chapel, Edinburgh, addressed the church. The Rev. G. D. Cullen, of Leith, concluded with prayer. The ministers and friends

dined together in the interval, Messrs. Ochterlonie and Alexander, sen., presiding.

In the evening, a social meeting was held in the chapel, at half-past six, Mr. Mac Gregor in the chair, when, after prayer by the Rev. Dr. Innes, of Edinburgh, addresses were delivered, on various interesting subjects, by the Rev. Messrs. Deans, of the United Presbyterian Church; Lang, of Dundee; Cullen, of Leith; Blackwood, of the Established Church; and other ministers.

The chapel was well filled, during both services, by a deeply interested audience, many of the members of the neighbouring churches in Edinburgh, Leith, Musselburgh, &c., being present. The following pastors also attended, to show their interest in the young minister, viz., Messrs. Wight, of Haddington; Gowan, of Dalkeith; Roebuck, of Musselburgh; Wilson, of Linlithgow; and Robbie, of Kirkcaldy. The Rev. James Kennedy, Missionary from Benares, who had frequently preached, when a student, at the commencement of the infant cause, was also present, and took a lively interest in the proceedings. On the following Lord's-day, the Rev. Professor Thomson, of Glasgow, introduced Mr. Mac Gregor to his new charge. May the Great Head of the Church smile upon the union thus formed!


Mr. U. Brodrill Randall, M.A., of Cheshunt College, has accepted a unanimous invitation from the United Independent church now assembling in the Old Chapel, Wareham, and commenced his ministry there on the 23rd of November.

The Rev. George Willets, of North Petherton, Somerset, has received, and accepted a cordial and unanimous invitation to become the pastor of the church assembling in Scotslane Chapel, Salisbury, and will enter on his stated services (D.v.) the first Sabbath in the

new year.

General Chronicle.


(To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine.)

7, Blomfield-street, Dec. 17, 1851. DEAR SIR,-I have just received from the Secretary of the French Evangelical Society the following letter, for which may I ask you to make room in the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE

for January? The friends of Protestant truth and of vital godliness cannot but look to the continent with deep solicitude at this juncture; and may I suggest that fervent prayer be offered by the churches, throughout this land, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and that our Christian brethren in all the nations of Europe may be eminently

endued with the wisdom that cometh from above, that they may rightly improve the events of Providence, through which they are now passing, as well as those with which the lowering future seems to be big.

Yours very faithfully,


P.S. Other Continental Societies write in a similar strain-and necessarily so. I shall be most thankful to receive and to remit any contributions which the friends of this good cause may entrust to my charge.

everywhere God is converting souls; there is not a single station but ought to be preserved.

But after this cheering account, our Treasurer placed under our consideration his financial difficulties. Fully confident of the Lord's blessing, as we ought to have been at the commencement of the present exercise [i.e. financial year], when, for the first time in the history of our Society, we closed our accounts on the 30th of April, 1851, without a deficit, we voted a budget of expenditure amounting to 155,600 francs. Had we been placed under ordinary circumstances, we DEAR SIR,-We do not intend to speak should take no alarm at our financial situmuch of our public events. The Lord reign-ation, difficult as it might be. Our Treasurer eth, and he is powerful to make all things ultimately concur in promoting his kingdom. With a complete dependence on the Lord we held our sitting last Monday, to consider what course we are to take under the present difficult circumstances.

Paris, Dec. 13, 1851.

The Report concerning the situation of the work was as follows:-We employ 19 pastors, 9 evangelists, 41 schoolmasters and mistresses, 1 director and 1 sub-director of the normal school, which numbers 24 pupils.

The following are the centres of evangelization, the number of our agents, together with their expense:

Seine. -4 principal stations, the normal
school, 4 pastors, 9 teachers and school-
mistresses, 1 director, 1 sub-director of the
normal school. Expense, 51,171 francs.
Yonne.-7 principal stations, 4 pastors,
2 evangelists, 12 teachers and school-
mistresses. Expense, 23,655 francs.
Haute-Vienne.-8 principal stations, 5 pas-
tors, 12 teachers and school-mistresses.
Expense, 26,070 francs.

Deux Charentes.-5 principal stations, 2 pas-
tors, 2 evangelists, 6 teachers and school-
mistresses. Expense, 11,233 francs.
Orne and Sarthe-2 principal stations, 1 pas-
tor, 1 evangelist. Expense, 3320 francs.
Marne.2 stations, 1 pastor. Expense,
1890 francs.

Dunkerque.-1 station, 1 pastor, 1 teacher.
Expense, 2600 francs.
Boulogne. 1 station, 1 pastor. Expense,

2880 francs.

Manche.-4 stations, 1 pastor, 1 evangelist.
Expense, 2920 francs.

General expenses, viz., 3 itinerant evangelists,
rents for chapels and schools, &c., 26,700

Making a total of 155,639 francs.

The foregoing statement gives not an adequate idea of the importance of our principal stations. Each of them has several annexes; some of them six, eight, ten, and even twelve. A most cheering account of the spiritual state of the work was presented to the Committee. Everywhere the work is on the advance;

declared that there was no contracting new loans, and that in the course of the present year, he should have to pay of the salaries of the agents, 20,000 francs, and that he had only 2000 in hand. This statement was a matter of very serious consideration, and required prompt measures. We thought it would not be warrantable to dismiss a single agent; as the circumstances of our country require that the gospel should be announced more forcibly than ever. It is not sixty or eighty messengers of the good news that ought to be sent forth into the harvest field. It is double, treble, tenfold that number. When the evil is encompassing us on every side, it is necessary to proclaim in all quarters the gospel truth, which alone is powerful to convert souls. To bring peace where hatred, envy, revenge, and unruly passions of all kinds are prevailing, it is necessary to raise up the standard of Jesus Christ, and to conquer those immortal souls which follow the road to ruin, for they are ignorant of the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

All this we have seriously considered, and we have been thus prevented from curtailing our work; and though under a heavy weight of responsibility, owing to the loans already contracted, we have preferred entailing upon each of ourselves the duty of procuring a certain sum, in order to provide, as long as possible, for the maintenance of those who are evangelizing the agitated population, and bearing the burden and heat of the day. Thus, do we hope to procure some 25,000 or 30,000 francs. This will be rather difficult for some of us, but the work will go on.

It seems to us to be impossible that our brethren abroad should not feel for us and hold out to us a helping hand. It is not possible that our Committee should be left to themselves, under a weight of personal difficulties and financial responsibilities of the most serious character, by such Christians as fully understand how necessary it is that the work of evangelization should not be slackened in our country at this time. You and your friends have always evinced a deep

sympathy with our work, and surely this sympathy will not fail us when we most want it. You will understand we are in great perplexity, and ready to exclaim, Lord, save us, for we are perishing! With Christian regards and esteem, we remain, dear Sir, yours very faithfully,

By order of the Committee,

J. JOEL AUDEBEZ, Secretary.

To Mr. Evan Davies.

and images but a revival of the old adoration paid to heroes and demi-gods? or what the nuns, with their vows of celibacy, but a new edition of the Vestal Virgins? Wherever we turn, indeed, all is old, and nothing new. Instead of tutelary gods, we find patron saints and guardian angels, and the canonization of a saint is but another term for the apotheosis of a hero."-The City of Rome-Tract Society.

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"WHо are generally the most wicked persons in every locality? (I am speaking only of Italy, indeed, only of Southern Italy a country emphatically Roman Catholic.) Forgive me, holy father, but it is a matter of fact,-priests and monks, whatever iniquity, wickedness, and abomination has ever existed upon the earth, you will find it among them. Haughtiness, luxury, ambition, pride,-where do they most abound? In your temples. There the excessive love of money, falsehood, fraud, duplicity, cover themselves with a sacred veil, and are almost in security from profane censures. And, oh! how great are the horrors of the cloisters, where ignorance and superstition, laziness, indolence, calumny, quarrels, immorality of every description, not only live, but reign. The most abominable vices, long banished from all society, have taken refuge there, and there will conscience miserably dwell, until God, outragedly, shall rain down upon them the curse of Sodom and Gomorrah."-Dr. Achilli's first Letter to Gregory XVI.


IN the Oriental Department, there are 590 Hebrew, 787 Arabic, 80 Coptic, 71 Ethiopic, 459 Syriac, 64 Turkish, 65 Persian, 1 Samaritan, 13 Armenian, 2 Iberian, 22 Indian, 10 Chinese, and 18 Sclavonic manuscripts. The amount of the whole collection of Greek, Latin, and Oriental manuscripts is 23,580, the finest in the world.-The City of Rome-Tract Society.


"SOME traces," observes Mr. Mathews, "of the old heathen superstitions are constantly peeping out from under their Catholic disguise. What is the modern worship of saints


"WHEN you are zealous and active in distributing God's sacred word, and your faith is alive to the power of God through His Scriptures, do not mistrust that power, and the efficacy of that Book, if you do not yourself see the result of your efforts. We are merely the instruments for scattering the seed: the Lord will, in His own time, make it to bear fruit. Others will reap, if we may not, the fruits of what this society is now doing. We may not see the heathen brought from error, but this Book will still accomplish its great purposes. We may not see it telling on the masses of our people, but the work is perhaps going on in secret. That secret is between the individual's soul and his God, and we may not penetrate it. All those results which we look back on and refer thankfully to the Spirit of God, were the results of secret working. What is the history of the Reformation? Does any one suppose that it was effected by the tyrannical conduct of Henry VIII., or that it was brought about by Act of Parliament? Noan agency more powerful than either was at work long before either. The people of this country had been silently prepared for it by the circulation of the translated Scriptures in their towns and villages. What is going on now in Ireland? We have been suddenly surprised-and none more surprised than the Papal Church itself-by the conversion of I don't know how many in the west of Ireland. How was it done? All I know is, it was preceded by the free circulation of the Scriptures in the Irish tongue. Do not, therefore, of our labours, for God will in His own good despair if we cannot ourselves see the fruits time bring them forth. And let us not despond either if He remove from us any instrumentality on which our work may seem to depend."-From the Speech of the Bishop of Norwich at the Annual Meeting of the Norfolk and Norwich Auxiliary Bible Society, Sept. 24, 1851.

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