GB/T 25744-2010 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT25744-2010): Metallographic examination for carburizing quenching and tempering of steel parts [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 2022. jan. 6. - 22 oldal This standard specifies the method for the inspection of the carburizing quenching and tempering metallographic structure of steel parts, the level of the metallographic structure, the determination of the effective depth of hardened layer of the carburizing quenching. This standard is applicable to workpieces, whose effective hardened layer depth is greater than 0.3 mm by carburizing quenching. |
Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
500x visual field allowed Level allowed Low-carbon martensite amount of free Appendix F austenite level chart bainite is allowed Carbide level chart carbides Fine-grained carbides carburized layer carburizing quenching characteristics Level comparative method Core structure level description of rating Descriptions of characteristics effective hardened layer etching In 500x Fine-needle martensite free ferrite GB/T grain boundaries grain system granular carbides Gray layer hardened layer depth inner oxidization layer Inspection items inspection methods inspection position intermittent network Fine-grained items and inspection layer After etching Level 2 Level Level 6 Figure level chart 500 Levels as listed listed in Figure Martensite level chart martensite needle length metallographic structure method for rating modulus Morphology of inner network Fine-grained carbides Network system Normative quenching and tempering rated level Retained austenite content Retained austenite level shown in Figure shown in Table standard structure level chart surface the depth terms and definitions test surface wherein bainite workpiece